Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Friday Night Fun

Looking forward to the weekend! Here is what's happening on Friday.

If you are local, you can choose to meet us either at Powells or Deschutes Brewery.

6:00 Gather at the hotel (those who need to gather at hotel), depart

6:30 Meet at Powells…Meet in the children’s /YA Section
Powell’s Books
1005 W Burnside
Portland, OR

7:00 or whenever so moved wander to Deschutes Brewery

Deschutes Brewery (walking distance from Powells)
210 NW 11th Street
Portland, OR

Public Transit Information:

Use the Max Red line from the airport.
Get off at Galleria/SW 10th Ave MAX Station
Walk between 0.2-0.4 to your destination
Fares: Adult All Zone ($2.30), Youth/Student ($1.50) or Honored Citizen ($0.95)

Questions? Email me at macrush53 at yahoo dot com

1 comment:

Terry Doherty said...

Safe travels and fun times, one and all ... I'll be toasting with my kidlitosphere mug Saturday morning.